PPC Customization Services
Contextual advertising is a type of paid Internet advertising in which ads are displayed in accordance with the interests of users and the content of the web pages they visit. Such ads, as a rule, are placed in search results (Google, Yandex, Bing, etc.), however, it is possible to display them on the Display Network (Display Network), which includes mobile applications and partner sites of search engines.
Types of contextual advertising:
- Search advertising – text ads displayed in the first and last positions of search results in accordance with the user’s request.
- Advertising on the Display Network – banner or text ads that are displayed on resources of a specific topic, which are included in the Display Network.
- Mobile advertising (included in the category “Advertising in the Display Network”) – banner or text ads displayed in thematic mobile applications that are part of the display network.
- Video ads are specially prepared videos with a hyperlink that are displayed on themed videos of YouTube video hosting.
Note! In addition to the above, there is such a type of advertising as remarketing – banner and text ads that follow users who have visited or performed any actions on the advertiser’s website.
Contextual advertising customization services
Web-studio React Logic offers contextual advertising customization services in combination with basic search engine optimization of landing pages. The concept of the service is based on the idea of combining several Internet marketing tools into a single system of mutually beneficial relationships. So, for example, basic SEO affects the quality indicator of landing pages in Goole Adwords, which depends on: the intensity of ad impressions, positions in search results, cost per clicks, the number of displayed extensions, and much more.
Stages of setting up contextual advertising:
- Connecting and configuring analytics systems.
First of all, in order to correctly configure and optimize contextual advertising, you need to connect the analytics systems Google Analytics, Yandex Metrika and others. Having an understanding of the behavior of users on the site, you can adjust the advertising campaign (or site) to increase the conversion rate and, accordingly, the profit from advertising.
- Basic search engine optimization (SEO).
Basic search engine optimization involves the development of landing pages, which will subsequently be targeted by contextual advertising. Typically, this service includes:
- reworking the page structure;
- writing SEO texts and meta data;
- optimization of loaded data (scripts, images, etc.);
- enabling compression of transmitted data;
- setting up caching both from the server side and from the client side.
In some cases, a deeper optimization of the site is carried out or the development (with subsequent implementation) of new landing pages (common in cases when the site was created using a web-constructor).
- Development of an advertising campaign.
The development of an advertising campaign primarily involves the elaboration of the account structure, which will subsequently determine the quality of optimization and the possibility of personalizing ads.
The stage of developing an advertising campaign includes:
- collection and clustering of the semantic core;
- writing texts for ads and extensions;
- elaboration of extensions;
- setting up targeting conditions;
- setting up the conditions for adjusting rates;
- uploading an advertising campaign to a Google Adwords account.
- Optimization of an advertising campaign.
Once launched, an ad campaign needs constant analytics and optimization to reduce the cost of non-targeted traffic. This is done by expanding the semantic core, A / B testing ads, adjusting bids for various ad display conditions, setting up automated rules, etc.
The cost of setting up contextual advertising
The cost of setting up and optimizing contextual advertising is always determined individually, based on market competition, product range, advertising campaign goals, etc. On average, the cost of a one-time setup of an advertising account ranges from $ 100 to $ 500, and the cost for optimization is 15 -25% of the budget for an ad account.
To learn more about the services of the React Logic web studio, please call +38 (050) 888-32-98/(098) 888-32-98 or use the feedback form – the manager will conduct a free consultation for you, calculate the cost promotion and, if necessary, arrange a personal meeting.