Trading platform “ProZorro.Sale”
The modern electronic trading platform “METS” is a complex hardware and software complex focused on integration with the Ukrainian state system “ProZorro.Sale” for organizing open trades / auctions. In fact, this is a boxed solution that combines the functionality of trading in all areas relevant for 2020, namely, for the assets of the Retail Deposit Guarantee Fund (RDGF), the State Property Fund (SPF) and the State Land Cadastre (SLC). In other words, through the METS trading platform, you can organize trading on:
- sale of property of bankrupt banks (transport, real estate, computer equipment, etc.);
- sale of rights of claim under loan agreements of individuals and legal entities (with and without collateral);
- sale of receivables;
- sale and lease of state property (real estate, raw materials, railway cars, etc.);
- sale and lease of assets of the State Land Cadastre (GZK);
- sale of assets of private enterprises;
- small privatization (equipment, real estate, enterprises, etc.).
Note! The presented list is not final, since the “ProZorro.Sale” system is periodically updated with new directions of trading. So, for example, only in the second half of 2018, auctions for small privatization and sale of assets of private enterprises were introduced into the system.
Functionality of the METS trading platform (ProZorro.Sale)
At the moment, the METS trading platform supports two models for holding auctions used in the ProZorro.Sale system:
- for an increase – with each rate the price of a commodity item rises, and the last participant who offered the highest price for it is recognized as the winner;
- for a decrease – consists of three stages:
- the maximum lot price decreases evenly until the moment of the first bid, which determines the winner;
- other participants in the auction have the opportunity to “outbid” the winner’s offer by making a higher bid, thereby starting the auction for an increase (each new bid extends the stage by 10 minutes);
- the winner of the first stage is given the opportunity to make a final bid (higher than the one offered at the second stage), the final auction.
In case of expansion of the ProZorro.Sale system with new models of auctions or changes in old models, the METS trading platform allows for the possibility of a quick functional update.
Also, the METS trading platform is equipped with an expandable administrative panel that can be modified in accordance with the owner’s requirements. For example, the admin panel can be integrated with the Google Analytics system and display data on specific page traffic, behavioral and demographic data about users, and much more.
Accreditation of the SETS trading platform in ProZorro.Sale
Despite the fact that the METS trading platform is a ready-made software solution, in order to start trading assets from the ProZorro.Sale databases, you need to go through a number of preparatory work: verification and accreditation.
Verification in the “ProZorro.Sale” system implies manual and automatic testing of the trading platform to check its performance. Due to the fact that about 15 accredited trading platforms have already been created on the basis of the “METS” box solution, the verification stage is just a convention.
The stage of accreditation of the trading platform actually represents the collection and transfer of a package of documents stipulated in the Regulations of the ProZorro.Sale system. To a large extent, the success of site accreditation depends on its owner, however, the React Logic web studio offers consulting services regarding the collection and submission of the necessary documents.
Technical features of the METS trading platform (ProZorro.Sale)
The electronic trading platform “METS” is developed on the basis of individual developments of the web-studio React Logic and the PHP-platform Yii2 Framework, which offers a wide range of tools for the development of complex data management systems. Among the main technical features of the trading platform are:
- built-in integration with the Twitter Bootstrap platform, which provides a responsive layout for the convenience of working with an electronic marketplace from all types of devices and browsers;
- architecture of construction MVC (Model-View-Controller), in which the user interface, data storage logic and control logic are separate components, allowing you to modify individual elements of the marketplace with minimal impact on its overall structure;
- high performance (minimal peak memory usage and the ability to process a large number of requests per second), provided by a wide variety of caching options and the use of SQL;
- extensibility, allowing both the use of built-in classes and the connection of classes of other software platforms (moreover, such manipulations are carried out with literally a few lines of code);
- built-in security system providing, protection against CSRF, XSS, SQL injection and other types of attacks.
It is also worth noting that the METS trading platform is fully optimized for promotion in search engines, which eliminates a number of costs for working with marketing companies. Conventionally, in order to bring a trading platform to a leading position in search results, it is enough just to timely fill the site with high-quality content, form a link profile and adjust behavioral factors.
Buy trading platform “METS” (ProZorro.Sale)
To buy a trading platform “SETS” or learn more about it, call the phone number +38 (050) 888-32-98/(098) 888-32-98, write to office@react-logic.com or use feedback form – the manager of the web-studio React Logic will contact you for a consultation and will clearly demonstrate all the capabilities of the platform.