Development of trading platforms “ProZorro.Sale”
ProZorro.Sale is not only a social initiative aimed at fighting corruption in Ukraine, but also a promising resource for organizing your own business. To some extent, the ProZorro.Sales system is a database of commodity lots, the rights to sell / sell which are granted to electronic trading platforms. Actually, anyone who wants to can create such a trading platform for themselves, undergo accreditation and trade, receiving a percentage from the sale, stipulated by the ProZorro regulations.
What can you earn through ProZorro.Sale:
- sale of property of bankrupt banks (transport, real estate, computer equipment, etc.);
- sale of rights of claim under loan agreements of individuals and legal entities (with and without collateral);
- sale of receivables;
- sale of state property (real estate, raw materials, etc.);
- leasing of state property (residential and non-residential real estate, railway cars);
- sale and lease of assets of the State Land Cadastre (GZK);
- sale of assets of private enterprises;
- small privatization.
Note! The ProZorro.Sales database is constantly updated with new directions, which implies a constant expansion of the product range of trading platforms. So, for example, only in the second half of 2018, two pilot projects were launched in the system at once: “Small privatization” and “Commercial property”, focused on the sale of assets of private enterprises.
How much can you earn on
trading platform ProZorro.Sale?
The percentage of remuneration for trading platforms is determined by the Retail Deposits Guarantee Fund or the Rules of operation of electronic trading platforms ProZorro.Sales, as well as on the type of commodity lot.
Tariffs for the sale of assets of liquidated banks according to RDGF (CDB-1):
Lot sale amount | Trading platform reward | |
For rights of claim under a loan agreement | For the property of banks | |
До 100 000 UAH | 3 % | 5 % |
От 100 000 до 500 000 UAH | 3 % | 4 % |
От 500 000 до 1 000 000 UAH | 3 % | 3 % |
От 1 000 000 до 5 000 000 UAH | 3 % | 2 % |
От 5 000 000 до 10 000 000 UAH | 3 % | 1 % |
От 10 000 000 до 50 000 000 UAH | 3 % | 1 % |
От 50 000 000 UAH | 3 % (no more than 5 000 000 UAH) | 1 % (no more than 2 000 000 UAH) |
Tariffs for the sale of property or assets of state-owned enterprises (CDB-2):
Lot sale amount | Trading platform reward |
До 1 000 000 UAH | 3 % |
От 1 000 000 до 4 000 000 UAH | 2.4 % |
От 4 000 000 до 16 000 000 UAH | 1.9 % |
От 16 000 000 до 64 000 000 UAH | 1.5 % |
От 640 000 000 до 250 000 000 UAH | 1.2 % |
От 250 000 000 UAH | 1 % |
How to start trading assets
of ProZorro.Sale systems?
The process of creation and accreditation of an electronic trading platform in the ProZorro.Sales system itself is rather complicated and hides a lot of “pitfalls”. However, with due attention, preliminary preparation and the presence of an experienced partner, most of the difficulties can be avoided. Conventionally, the procedure for accrediting a trading platform can be divided into 3 main stages:
1. Development of a trading platform for ProZorro.Sale.
First of all, to start trading the assets of the ProZorro.Sales system, you need to buy a specialized electronic trading platform focused on working with the aforementioned system. The site itself is a software and hardware complex that combines:
- API for integration with the central ProZorro database;
- visual interface for interacting with the system;
- server of data storage and support of site operability.
A trading platform is developed in accordance with the terms of reference and the Rules of operation of the electronic trading system ProZorro.Sale, which can be found on the official website of ProZorro.Sale under the heading “Platforms”.
2. Verification (testing) of the trading platform in ProZorro.Sale.
When the site is ready, the verification process begins, which involves 2 stages of testing: automatic and manual. Automated testing includes writing scripts for passing autotests on the Jenkins bench. When the site undergoes automatic testing, it is transferred for manual tests to ProZorro employees. Sales, who check the functionality of the web resource for performance.
3. Accreditation of the trading platform in ProZorro.Sale.
The last stage of obtaining the rights to conduct tenders is the accreditation of the trading platform, which to a large extent involves the collection and transfer of the necessary package of documents to ProZorro. You can take part in the qualification selection for the accreditation of the site for the RDGF in the period indicated by the fund, the beginning of which it notifies in advance on its official website. For other areas of trade, you can take part in the qualifying selection at any time. If the trading platform is accredited, digital keys are transferred to it, which give the resource the right to conduct trades.
Where to buy a trading platform
for the ProZorro.Sale system?
You can buy a trading platform for the ProZorro system. Sales can be done at React Logic, which is the largest supplier of such software in Ukraine. At the time of 2019, the company serves 15 trading platforms of various specifications, , which is about 26% of all accredited sites. To see an example of a ready-made trading platform for ProZorro.Sale, please follow the links:
- CDB-1: https://cbd1.react-logic.com/;
- CDB-2: https://cbd2.react-logic.com/.
Note! Access to the administrative panel of the sites can be obtained by calling the phone number +38 (050) 888-32-98.
Also, unlike other web studios, React Logic offers a number of additional services aimed at creating trading platforms for the ProZorro.Sale system:
- Support at the verification stage – technical support of the trading platform at the stage of its testing in ProZorro.Sale, namely, finalizing the resource, fixing bugs and communicating with testers.
- Consulting services at the stage of accreditation – consultation in matters of accreditation in the ProZorro.Sale system (for example, assistance in collecting a package of documents on the technical part necessary to obtain accreditation).
- Technical support – modernization, revision, optimization and other types of web resource support in accordance with the requirements of ProZorro.Sale or to improve its functionality.
To buy a trading platform for the ProZorro.Sale system or learn more about the intricacies of this system, please call +38 (050) 888-32-98 or email to office@react-logic.com. The manager of the React Logic company will provide you with a free consultation and, if necessary, will tell you about the terms of cooperation.